Being Siyon

Stuff i Like...


South Park


Ethiopian Food

Coaching lacrosse


Driving my personally owned vehicle


Call of Duty PS3

The Best...

Favorite Movies: 

Semi Pro & Superbad

Favorite Cause: 

The humane treatment of animals

Favorite Relative: 

Great-Granddad (hilarious)

When I was five I asked my parents for a baby brother.....they bought me a cat.

Currently, I am a junior at Wilde Lake High School in Columbia, Maryland.  Columbia is in Howard County which is located between Washington, D.C. and Baltimore.  I live with my mom and my dad.

My favorite pastime is definitely lacrosse.  I can’t even call it a pastime anymore.  It really is what I do.  When I was 10, my P.E. teacher first put a stick in my hand.  He taught me how to hold it, how to cradle and how to shoot.  I’ve been playing the sport ever since.  

The only thing in my life that I put above lacrosse is school.  Lacrosse is a sport that I will play in college, but most of my focus will be on my classes.  I dream of having a job where I will never stop learning and where I will always be creating something new.  After visiting a local college’s open house, I discovered that what I want to be is an engineer---maybe materials, maybe aerospace, or maybe a combination.  I’m still working on that.  But my dad always says that if I choose a job I love, I will never have to work a day in my life.  If I work hard now, that will definitely be me.
